Welcome to TrueFleet

Packaging has a dark side. It’s prone to difficulties and full of challenges to overcome.TrueFleet has the potential to help customers change all of that. We are an expert partner and our tool applies deep knowledge to highly specific challenges.We are big on transparency, visibility, integrity, and results because these things drive business forward and it’s time packaging showed its ability to lead.

Our customers mean the world to us. We relate to them because we share a common background. We understand, better than anyone, what they are going through. We know their frustrations, and we stand ready to remove them. We know their joys, and we stand ready to celebrate them. TrueFleet’s value is proven when our customers win because of the solutions we inspire. Even in companies that move millions of containers, it’s ultimately about people. Logistics is simply a means to an end.

Helping our customers is how we support businesses and ensure the company can meet the needs of consumers.


  • Frees up time for packaging engineers to design packaging

  • Saves money for finance and program management

  • Improves accuracy of budgets and capital requests

  • Speeds approval time for capital expense

  • Keeps a record of purchased and needed packaging for production teams

  • Provides an accurate fleet size at start or time of container replacement

  • Accurately calculates the number of returnables required

  • Documents replacement buys

$6,000.00 annual subscription

$500.00 sign-up fee

We are committed to turning packaging into a competitive advantage as the preferred expert resource for automotive packaging engineers.

TrueFleet sets high expectations for the impact the right packaging can have because we’re confident we deliver. Customers who use our app discover that packaging is more than a problem to be solved. It’s an advantage to be gained in an industry growing more competitive by the day. As the industry adopts TrueFleet, we will grow in direct correlation to the value we create.